what is hidden does not need to be hidden
Future cities. Festival of the digital public art.
Curated by Nikita Nechaev
Moscow, St.Petersburg, Krasnodar, N.Novgorod, Yekaterinburg, Krasnoyrsk, 2021
AR-sculpture, audio guide
Augmented reality technology is becoming one of the layers in a multi-level system of input and output, city control and distribution of data in a cityscape at different scales. AR is also repeating the logic of many digital structures, entwined with real urban topologies, that constitute the complex integrity of a modern city. Such digital structuresIt getis replicated in historically completely different locations. The technological layer of the city, consisting of control systems for transport and pedestrian flows, online services from geolocation to food delivery, digital platforms and economies, creates material types of infrastructures that are invisible in daily experience.
What is hidden does not need to be hidden includes the AR sculpture and the performative audio guide. The digital object in Sofya Skidan’s work is an attractor that enhances the redistribution of attention in an oversaturated urban environment. Skidan rethinks the situationist drift— (the psychogeographic practice of studying the changing urban landscapes through unusual, random tactics of moving through them). Then she combines it with the Eastern traditions of meditation, focusing attention on an object to reconfigure the ways of perception and the state of consciousness. Meeting her work slows down the experience of interacting with the interface of the AR application and the surroundings of the city. The audio guide is recorded by the artist. Mediated by a technogenic environment, it will suggests ways for the visitor to reorient themselves in a space.
Future cities. Festival of the digital public art.
Curated by Nikita Nechaev
Moscow, St.Petersburg, Krasnodar, N.Novgorod, Yekaterinburg, Krasnoyrsk, 2021